
Thursday, July 20, 2017

How to justify your entitilement.

Fisrt show that it may not be perfect but you have a solid grasp on the program/benefit by definition and use similar jargon what when referencing them.  

Program Definitions

In the military, you became familiar with a particular set of terms with specific meanings that were used in specific circumstances. This page of definitions will help you learn the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) lingo.

Chapter 31

The VR&E program is authorized by Congress under Title 38 of the United States Code, Chapter 31. It is sometimes referred to as the Chapter 31 program. VR&E helps Veterans and Servicemembers with service-connected disabilities and an employment handicap prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable careers

WHAT IS A REHABILITATION PLAN? A rehabilitation plan is an individualized and detailed outline of services provided under thE VR&E program to meet the needs of the Veteran or Servicemember. The plan is a signed agreement between the Veteran or Servicemember and VA. It is designed to assist the Veteran or Servicemember to achieve his/her goals. The following service delivery options may be provided under a Rehabilitation Plan:

  •  • Reemployment with previous employer. • Rapid employment services for new employment. • Self-employment. • Employment through long term services. • Independent living services.

The colored text is the service that I was referring to with the attachments that had the specific code that I sent to you. Is this correct?

Then I would based on your documented condition reference the US Code Title and section that qualifies you for said benifit. 

If this is very new to you that if can be a bit overwhelming although I am here to help anyone that reaches out and ask. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

VRE Counselor no show for Appt.

Just as Vets are constantly harrassed pressured as well as threatened in regards to making all appointments I exoect the same from government employees being paid to server our nation's veterans regardless if they are one or not.  

Simple I went to appt.  Counselor did not show.  He co workers and supervisicrs made light of it and only to themselves convinced the behavior was acceptable. There was supposed to be a follow up call the next morning which never happened if was not until after I called the office at 2:30 that I was contacted.  

We could not get pass the fact that it's not okay to not call your supervisor if youre not going to bd in.  This is the information and and you are a government employee.  If you'd sickness was so severe that no communication could be made I. Most case you don't come in the next day with little to no symptons of anythjbg. 

So now we will see how this process works now that your supervisor have been sent a letter from my house Representative to provide a valid explanation.  

No the process fellow vets and I'm here to help if any type of research is need that may help you in your case. 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Awareness is important ... I do not support this. 


In response this is taken from the Declaration of Independence.

     "and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

This video brought tears to my eyes. Now is the time more than ever to have faith in a higher power. Not religion not God, not Jehovah, or Allah but a higher power that leads mankind to use the gift of free will to turn to good. To hope that all mankind around the world have the same higher power to lead them to good as well. 

Being anonymous and preaching to the world even with a message thats founded with truth . Manipulating those who have not come to their own inconvenient truth, detering those who my see this as a conspiracy theory, while providing the same elite that have been controllonh the population more details by those who follow and comment on your posts. Who is to say this is not part of the process of control and why not control the realesse of information that is public knowledge.  

The mask, the music, the voice changer all that when in rhe production of your vehicle is product and made to market to specific people.

How to justify your entitilement.

Fisrt show that it may not be perfect but you have a solid grasp on the program/benefit by definition and use similar jargon what when refe...