
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Awareness is important ... I do not support this. 


In response this is taken from the Declaration of Independence.

     "and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

This video brought tears to my eyes. Now is the time more than ever to have faith in a higher power. Not religion not God, not Jehovah, or Allah but a higher power that leads mankind to use the gift of free will to turn to good. To hope that all mankind around the world have the same higher power to lead them to good as well. 

Being anonymous and preaching to the world even with a message thats founded with truth . Manipulating those who have not come to their own inconvenient truth, detering those who my see this as a conspiracy theory, while providing the same elite that have been controllonh the population more details by those who follow and comment on your posts. Who is to say this is not part of the process of control and why not control the realesse of information that is public knowledge.  

The mask, the music, the voice changer all that when in rhe production of your vehicle is product and made to market to specific people.

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