
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Agree or Disagree it's what we are supposed to be doing....And we are paying for it ..

The following information is taken from a bill that became law in 2007 passed to implement the recommendations from the 9/11 commision report. By law there the are 3 countries in the middle east that we can not restrict from entry into the United States that's not an international law and for whatever reason we placed this on our ourselves.  Although.........

Over 2,500 people have been killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan, of which at least 350 were civilians.

Image result for war on afghanistan

Subtitle D: Strategy for the United States Relationship with Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia - (Sec. 2041) Declares that it is U.S. policy that: (1) the United States shall vigorously support the Afghan government; and (2) the President shall engage with that government and NATO partners to assess the success of the Afghan counternarcotics strategy and explore all additional options.
Urges the reauthorization and updating of the Afghanistan Freedom Support Act of 2002.
Directs the President to increase efforts to: (1) dramatically improve the capability and effectiveness of U.S. and international trainers, mentors, and police personnel for police training programs in Afghanistan, as well as develop a pretraining screening program; (2) increase the number of such trainers, mentors, and personnel only if such increase is determined to improve the performance and capabilities of the Afghanistan civil security forces; and (3) assist the Afghan government, in conjunction with the Afghan civil security forces and their leadership, in addressing the corruption crisis.
(Sec. 2042) Declares that it is U.S. policy to: (1) maintain and deepen its friendship and long-term strategic relationship with Pakistan; (2) work with the Pakistani government to combat international terrorism and to end the use of Pakistan as a safe haven for terrorist groups; (3) support funding for programs of the Agency for International Development (AID) and the State Department that assist that government as Pakistan demonstrates a commitment to building a moderate, democratic state; (4) work with the international community to secure financial and political support to implement policies set forth in this section; (5) facilitate a just resolution of the dispute between the Pakistani and Indian governments over Kashmir; (6) facilitate communication and cooperation between the Afghan and Pakistani governments to improve bilateral relations and cooperation in combating terrorism; and (7) work with the Pakistani government to dismantle existing proliferation networks and prevent the proliferation of nuclear technology.
Directs the President to report to the appropriate committees on long-term U.S. strategy relating to Pakistan. Prohibits specified military assistance under the Arms Export Control Act and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to Pakistan until 15 days after the President certifies that the Pakistani government is: (1) committed to eliminating from Pakistani territory any organization engaged in military, insurgent, or terrorist activities in Afghanistan; (2) undertaking a comprehensive campaign to achieving that goal; and (3) making significant progress toward eliminating support or safe haven for terrorists.
Expresses the sense of Congress that the U.S. national security interest will best be served if the United States implements a long-term strategy to improve the U.S. relationship with Pakistan and works with its government to stop nuclear proliferation. Authorizes appropriations for security assistance for Pakistan for FY2008. Extends presidential authority to waive foreign assistance restrictions regarding Pakistan for FY2007-FY2008. Expresses the sense of Congress that determinations to provide such extensions beyond that period should be informed by demonstrable progress in preventing terrorist organizations from operating in Pakistani territory, preventing the Taliban from using such territory as a sanctuary from which to launch attacks within Afghanistan, and implementing democratic reforms. Directs the Secretary of State to submit to the appropriate congressional committees a biannual report describing the extent to which the Pakistani government has displayed such progress.
(Sec. 2043) Declares that it is U.S. policy to: (1) engage with the Saudi government to openly confront the issue of terrorism and other problematic issues, such as the lack of political freedoms; (2) enhance counterterrorism cooperation with that government; and (3) support efforts of that government to make political, economic, and social reforms. Directs the President to report to the appropriate committees on: (1) the long-term U.S. strategy to engage with that government to facilitate such reforms and to work with that government to combat terrorism; and (2) progress made by Saudi Arabia since 2001 on matters including becoming a party to the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and activities and authority of the Saudi Nongovernmental National Commission for Relief and Charity Work.

H.R. 1 would change laws and authorize funds to implement recommendations made by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States in 2004. CBO estimates that implementing this legislation would result in new discretionary spending of $21 billion over the 2007-2012 period. In addition, H.R. 1 would affect direct spending by authorizing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to collect over the 2008-2011 period nearly $1.3 billion in fees from airline passengers and spend those amounts to improve security measures at airports. CBO estimates that receipts from such fees would initially exceed spending, resulting in a net reduction in direct spending of $425 million in 2008. Savings in that year would be fully offset by corresponding increases in direct spending in later years, resulting in no net change in direct spending over the next 10 years. Enacting H.R. 1 would not have any significant impact on revenues. 

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