
Friday, June 23, 2017

All Bets are now on the House

I want if nothing more on the house floor then a simple gesture that represents me so my son can see what a disabled uneducated negro with no family support system can do without having to sacrifice breathing. JUST A DAD TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR MISSING OUT ON FATHERHOOD.

Yes nig$$s, ni$$ets, misfits , and misvets all this time we've been silently self destructing. Which is only fair and true if you ipunder the meaning of these very words for our Declararion of Independence.

 Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. -

So to paraphrase, long standing VA programs would not be altered for reason no other than ones that would alleviate a significant burden. It also goes to say that from an know knowledge at the time in history that in most cases mankind will endure abuse and suffering , than to abolish the very process that they are suffering from. Once the human body and the human spirit can suffer no more it's the duty and the right of the people to dismantle the existing government and deploy new guards for the security of the present as well as the future.

A heart is s house for love and I've learned... Have you?

I will say although very young the representatives in the office were very much attentive and seemsed to genuinely want to to help.

I first met with Amanda Gray Bailey Constituent Service Representative she greeted me professionally and respectfully gathered administrative data and form as well as giving me the contacts information for Anthony Barnes who's is the Veteran Outreach / Constituent Service Specialist.

I forwarded Mr. Barnes and email to provide me background as to several of my issues, he received the email ready it and promptly set up a meeting for us on Monday at 1 pm on the loundoun office.

Ms. Bailey also followed up with me to ensure this had occurred before she officially handed my case offer.

Trump I feel sorry for ya bruh bringing those dead president of yours to your own life got old really quick.

Ambassador to Russia would have been a much better fit even dictators need friends. Just being real all the same players eating the same meal, snowden, Comey Trump and all his peeps only America is not stuck with last weekend's potato salad as our last meal. You live and learn.

Analytics ... Google it, but that just sounds foolish.

Just give respect to those who are inherently, uncontrollably and undeniably analytical.

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How to justify your entitilement.

Fisrt show that it may not be perfect but you have a solid grasp on the program/benefit by definition and use similar jargon what when refe...