
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Can a citizen address the House directly?

United States House of Representatives chamber at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C

Typically, a private citizen cannot address congress unless invited by congress or one of the congressional committees to do so. Thus, to get such an invite you can work with your congressman or you can work with a congressman on a particular committee to get them to invite you to speak on a particular issue. This means you have to convince them you have something to say that is relevant on a topic that they have an interest in and if not they will only communicate with you in writing.

It's important that we continue to think of new and creative ways that are still within constitutional law.   Just as it outlines a general philosophy of government that justifies a revolution when a government harms natural the  right it's people.  The Deceleration if Independence It also dictates the use of prudence to assure the Governments long established programs should not be changed for light and transient causes and those causes for which it be changed be truly for the greater good of a mankind and not solely focused on the individual regardless of what kind of man in which God has allowed to become. 
The Declaration of Independence

Monday I will be meeting with a representative from Barbara Comstocks office in Virginia representing the 10th District. Over the weekend I would be trying to gather my thoughts and put together a list of questions that are appropriate.

Some questions will be specific to my situations and my conditions but I do have many questions that relates to supporting veterans and our interest on the hill and throughout this country and if you have anything that you would like me to bring forward thats beneficial Veterans I'll be more willing to bring them up. 

There's been too many of us left behind.  No more excuses we just have to go back and get them.


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