
Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Road to Success starts here, this moment and Failure is not an option.

American Flag Digital

     This is my first venture into blogging so please be patient as I bring myself up to speed and I promise to produce a product we VETS can be proud.  Just as a little backstory I've documented my moments as I sometimes lived painfully through them.  I will say all are not directly related to my interactions I will say without shame that most were either because of or a by product of not understanding that the very organization as stated by it's own committee, well I will let you read.

During World War I the nature of the congressional response to veterans' needs changed towards a more diversified set of programs. A war risk insurance program, which was referred to the Senate Finance Committee, changed the consideration of veterans benefits in the Senate. The Finance Committee was the Senate standing committee most responsible for veterans programs from 1917 to 1946. After World War II, the Finance Committee handled the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, the "GI Bill of Rights," which extended to servicemen and their families, a number of benefits including unemployment assistance, education, vocational training, housing and business loan guarantees, as well as the traditional medical and pension benefits of previous times. Many experts believe this law was one of the most important elements in the expansion of the middle class following World War II.

          I was naive to the level of manipulation and the many factors that went in to my communication with the multiple isolated entities that had little to do with my care and the even less of a focus on provided access to available treatment programs and as we move forward hopefully we will uncover landmines and expose those whose motivation is not focused on the veteran that's transitioning, that's asking for help, or worse that's in crises.
     If I have sparked that tiniest interest please stay engaged, keep my honest and non-biased and focus as to keep marching forward.  This only succeeds  if we remember our days of mustering and show the VA that we can unite no matter how disabled, dysfunctional, dismembered, and detached from the real world we all may be we are veterans and all Veterans Affairs should have one common theme, affording opportunities for Veterans to have all tools required to live what life we have left not fight for a life we gave in the past.  This is a video I made just to express how I was feeling I hope it strikes a tone with some of you.

1 comment:

  1. Great start and I'm not a vet nor even a military person. However both my older brothers are. My oldest is 57 and has lived with my mom for the past 20 years unemployed because he cannot be around others. Cause unknown because he doesn't get help. I've am always on the hunt for information an just this start of a blog has provided information that I didn't know and is very informative. Thank you


How to justify your entitilement.

Fisrt show that it may not be perfect but you have a solid grasp on the program/benefit by definition and use similar jargon what when refe...