
Thursday, July 20, 2017

How to justify your entitilement.

Fisrt show that it may not be perfect but you have a solid grasp on the program/benefit by definition and use similar jargon what when referencing them.  

Program Definitions

In the military, you became familiar with a particular set of terms with specific meanings that were used in specific circumstances. This page of definitions will help you learn the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) lingo.

Chapter 31

The VR&E program is authorized by Congress under Title 38 of the United States Code, Chapter 31. It is sometimes referred to as the Chapter 31 program. VR&E helps Veterans and Servicemembers with service-connected disabilities and an employment handicap prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable careers

WHAT IS A REHABILITATION PLAN? A rehabilitation plan is an individualized and detailed outline of services provided under thE VR&E program to meet the needs of the Veteran or Servicemember. The plan is a signed agreement between the Veteran or Servicemember and VA. It is designed to assist the Veteran or Servicemember to achieve his/her goals. The following service delivery options may be provided under a Rehabilitation Plan:

  •  • Reemployment with previous employer. • Rapid employment services for new employment. • Self-employment. • Employment through long term services. • Independent living services.

The colored text is the service that I was referring to with the attachments that had the specific code that I sent to you. Is this correct?

Then I would based on your documented condition reference the US Code Title and section that qualifies you for said benifit. 

If this is very new to you that if can be a bit overwhelming although I am here to help anyone that reaches out and ask. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

VRE Counselor no show for Appt.

Just as Vets are constantly harrassed pressured as well as threatened in regards to making all appointments I exoect the same from government employees being paid to server our nation's veterans regardless if they are one or not.  

Simple I went to appt.  Counselor did not show.  He co workers and supervisicrs made light of it and only to themselves convinced the behavior was acceptable. There was supposed to be a follow up call the next morning which never happened if was not until after I called the office at 2:30 that I was contacted.  

We could not get pass the fact that it's not okay to not call your supervisor if youre not going to bd in.  This is the information and and you are a government employee.  If you'd sickness was so severe that no communication could be made I. Most case you don't come in the next day with little to no symptons of anythjbg. 

So now we will see how this process works now that your supervisor have been sent a letter from my house Representative to provide a valid explanation.  

No the process fellow vets and I'm here to help if any type of research is need that may help you in your case. 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Awareness is important ... I do not support this. 


In response this is taken from the Declaration of Independence.

     "and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

This video brought tears to my eyes. Now is the time more than ever to have faith in a higher power. Not religion not God, not Jehovah, or Allah but a higher power that leads mankind to use the gift of free will to turn to good. To hope that all mankind around the world have the same higher power to lead them to good as well. 

Being anonymous and preaching to the world even with a message thats founded with truth . Manipulating those who have not come to their own inconvenient truth, detering those who my see this as a conspiracy theory, while providing the same elite that have been controllonh the population more details by those who follow and comment on your posts. Who is to say this is not part of the process of control and why not control the realesse of information that is public knowledge.  

The mask, the music, the voice changer all that when in rhe production of your vehicle is product and made to market to specific people.

Thursday, June 29, 2017


My fellow veterans I would become familiar with US Code and particularly Chapter 38 and if you are in the compensation process I would do it right away to be sure they you don't say are be mislead in to saying anything that would affect your rating. If not that you are at the mercy of what you are being told regardless if it's correct or not if you don't know the right answer or where to check to see what it is that you are at a disadvantage.

Agree or Disagree it's what we are supposed to be doing....And we are paying for it ..

The following information is taken from a bill that became law in 2007 passed to implement the recommendations from the 9/11 commision report. By law there the are 3 countries in the middle east that we can not restrict from entry into the United States that's not an international law and for whatever reason we placed this on our ourselves.  Although.........

Over 2,500 people have been killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan, of which at least 350 were civilians.

Image result for war on afghanistan

Subtitle D: Strategy for the United States Relationship with Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia - (Sec. 2041) Declares that it is U.S. policy that: (1) the United States shall vigorously support the Afghan government; and (2) the President shall engage with that government and NATO partners to assess the success of the Afghan counternarcotics strategy and explore all additional options.
Urges the reauthorization and updating of the Afghanistan Freedom Support Act of 2002.
Directs the President to increase efforts to: (1) dramatically improve the capability and effectiveness of U.S. and international trainers, mentors, and police personnel for police training programs in Afghanistan, as well as develop a pretraining screening program; (2) increase the number of such trainers, mentors, and personnel only if such increase is determined to improve the performance and capabilities of the Afghanistan civil security forces; and (3) assist the Afghan government, in conjunction with the Afghan civil security forces and their leadership, in addressing the corruption crisis.
(Sec. 2042) Declares that it is U.S. policy to: (1) maintain and deepen its friendship and long-term strategic relationship with Pakistan; (2) work with the Pakistani government to combat international terrorism and to end the use of Pakistan as a safe haven for terrorist groups; (3) support funding for programs of the Agency for International Development (AID) and the State Department that assist that government as Pakistan demonstrates a commitment to building a moderate, democratic state; (4) work with the international community to secure financial and political support to implement policies set forth in this section; (5) facilitate a just resolution of the dispute between the Pakistani and Indian governments over Kashmir; (6) facilitate communication and cooperation between the Afghan and Pakistani governments to improve bilateral relations and cooperation in combating terrorism; and (7) work with the Pakistani government to dismantle existing proliferation networks and prevent the proliferation of nuclear technology.
Directs the President to report to the appropriate committees on long-term U.S. strategy relating to Pakistan. Prohibits specified military assistance under the Arms Export Control Act and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to Pakistan until 15 days after the President certifies that the Pakistani government is: (1) committed to eliminating from Pakistani territory any organization engaged in military, insurgent, or terrorist activities in Afghanistan; (2) undertaking a comprehensive campaign to achieving that goal; and (3) making significant progress toward eliminating support or safe haven for terrorists.
Expresses the sense of Congress that the U.S. national security interest will best be served if the United States implements a long-term strategy to improve the U.S. relationship with Pakistan and works with its government to stop nuclear proliferation. Authorizes appropriations for security assistance for Pakistan for FY2008. Extends presidential authority to waive foreign assistance restrictions regarding Pakistan for FY2007-FY2008. Expresses the sense of Congress that determinations to provide such extensions beyond that period should be informed by demonstrable progress in preventing terrorist organizations from operating in Pakistani territory, preventing the Taliban from using such territory as a sanctuary from which to launch attacks within Afghanistan, and implementing democratic reforms. Directs the Secretary of State to submit to the appropriate congressional committees a biannual report describing the extent to which the Pakistani government has displayed such progress.
(Sec. 2043) Declares that it is U.S. policy to: (1) engage with the Saudi government to openly confront the issue of terrorism and other problematic issues, such as the lack of political freedoms; (2) enhance counterterrorism cooperation with that government; and (3) support efforts of that government to make political, economic, and social reforms. Directs the President to report to the appropriate committees on: (1) the long-term U.S. strategy to engage with that government to facilitate such reforms and to work with that government to combat terrorism; and (2) progress made by Saudi Arabia since 2001 on matters including becoming a party to the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and activities and authority of the Saudi Nongovernmental National Commission for Relief and Charity Work.

H.R. 1 would change laws and authorize funds to implement recommendations made by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States in 2004. CBO estimates that implementing this legislation would result in new discretionary spending of $21 billion over the 2007-2012 period. In addition, H.R. 1 would affect direct spending by authorizing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to collect over the 2008-2011 period nearly $1.3 billion in fees from airline passengers and spend those amounts to improve security measures at airports. CBO estimates that receipts from such fees would initially exceed spending, resulting in a net reduction in direct spending of $425 million in 2008. Savings in that year would be fully offset by corresponding increases in direct spending in later years, resulting in no net change in direct spending over the next 10 years. Enacting H.R. 1 would not have any significant impact on revenues. 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Preparation for meeting with Veterans Representative for the House

I feel like I have to do my due diligence in preparing for me meeting at 1 pm with Anthony Barnes the Veterans Outreach officer and Constituent Services Specialist from The Us House of Representatives out of Barbara Comstocks Loudoun County Office.  Although I am being positive and grateful to have made it through this much of the bureaucracy after the past 3 years to work with the VA various issues.  I am not naive enough to not remember the many other veteran outreach specialist that I have meet with the same enthusiasm that wore of very quickly and the initial sense of finally finding someone who can truly help make a difference that very quickly proved to be a false feeling.  I'm still positive to be able to reach a successful outcome and certainly hope this finally the path to that occurring.

 Priorities are as follows
Health and Well being
  1.  5+months to secure stable housing.
  2. I can not get medications refilled or see my nurse practitioner until further appointments are authorized.
  3. I need to establish a facility where I can get one on one physiological support in addition to psychiatric treatment.
  4. Voc-rehab benefits need to be re-established.
  5. Continuity of a care as it relates to social work services.  
                                                         Legislation Issues 
  1. How to request modification to current activities that are on the floor of the House and the Senate.
  2.  Work to define a process to follow bills that became law are provided funding to ensure that the services are provided to the veterans as intended.
  3.  Identify all the committees and sub-committee that are established in the support of veterans and review their mission statement to ensure that there are not duplicated or conflicting missions that are negatively impacting the Veterans Affairs Organization.
  4.  Identify the process for documenting, set milestones and communicating the status of all accepted task by any of the case management services.

Vital information for current issues

  1. How do I transfer knowledge to my representatives on specific issues that are currently being addressed in our government.

  • Russia's impact on the election 
  • Question of whether classified data has been compromised 
  • Comey's dinner with the president.
  • The state of our nations Intelligence community's

  1.  Filing a report to the inspector general for the following 

  • VA administration as well as our State and House elected officials directing veterans to services that they knowledge are at best poorly provided.
  • Tim Kaines senate office out of Richmond. case management services are inappropriately contracted out to an organization that should not be a third party. 

I think this captures the majority of the concerns from my perspective.  Hopefully the meeting goes well and there's more positive than negative to speak to.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

To trust Veteran Affairs with your health and learn the culture is to understand that veterans will always suffer

The process of truly trying to figure out as a veteran who represents you is so confusing that it is seems like it's an illusion.  The process of representations comes across more as if the veteran is the customer and or potential client and the Veterans Affairs organizations is comprised of "Sales" Representatives and if you take a veteran to lunch you can expense your meals.  The error is blatantly obvious in the question of having too ask for representation because what truly matters is who is held accountable and if it's not the people that are representing you the that explains why people just seem to disappear and come in and out of your life as veteran when your're self-destructing and need help the most.

First, let me say if the life of veterans is not critical enough to call a all hands on deck and be sure that all representative regardless if it be for a veteran and or constituent,  is not present and accounted for then why lie to ourselves further damaging veterans by misrepresented a "catch all" if the phone rings then we are satisfied, and if answered how, when and if help can be provided is an equations with only variables that's is calculated worldwide so there will never and can never be a distributed definition for "crisis" and a level of service that every one can expects.

As Far as I can tell there is no one on that committee that represents me and no reason to believe that anyone on any of other committees do either but I am too exhausted to put forth the effort of chasing illusions and really don't eat enough to even care or benefit from free lunches.  I could dive deeper into this mesh of a service-less pool but I feel sick to my stomach, not hungry enough to eat and my meds are on hold at whatever pharmacy that deliveries from the cloud and is not in the system so that all the VA medical centers are aware of what medications are withheld from you while you go through withdrawal symptoms.


US Senate Committee of Veterans Affairs 

  1. Isakson, Johnny (GA) , Chairman 
  2. Moran, Jerry (KS) 
  3. Boozman, John (AR) 
  4. Heller, Dean (NV) 
  5. Cassidy, Bill (LA) 
  6. Rounds, Mike (SD) 
  7. Tillis, Thom (NC) 
  8. Sullivan, Dan (AK) 
  1. Tester, Jon (MT), Ranking Member
  2. Murray, Patty (WA)
  3. Sanders, Bernard (VT)
  4. Brown, Sherrod (OH)
  5. Blumenthal, Richard (CT)
  6. Hirono, Mazie K. (HI)
  7. Manchin, Joe (WV)

It's not okay, to late for empathy. Change is needed.

The following information is addressing the lack of follow through and true best effort by our leadership and representatives to address the numerous critical, dangerous and life threatening issues provided to the to those on the floor of  Senate and the House during the time the information was delivered.   Our representatives were and not just aware by word of mouth or through an advocate for a Veteran but from the Department of Veteran Affairs who's mission statement is as follows.

To serve veterans and the public by conducting effective oversight of the programs and operations of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) through independent audits, inspections, and investigations.

Link to the PDF file on there site

What in my opinion and yet to be determined by constitutional law.  That is it in fact criminal to direct veterans to services needed to help to prevent and or protect a life that is being threatened, having received notification that in the there are critical items that need to be addressed that has made the process up to the actual delivery of what is supposed to extend the life of our veterans is leading to factors which support the 20 + veterans committing suicide statistic.

Should any an all government employees working for the Department of Veteran Affairs at least, at a minimum inform a Veteran if a service is degraded or may possibly cause them harm before referring them to it.

In order to not overwhelm anyone reading this blog with I will try to keep things as direct and adequately detailed and provided links to information for you to research further with the understand that Veterans Affairs is a an organizations that has outgrown it's self and that was 30 years ago when I was child.  I've spent the last 3+ years observing, researching and gathering a lot of information and the process itself has been if nothing else painfully sad and disappointing to know, see and feel for myself.

I don't believe there is a single personal affiliated with the VA organization that will not be sure to provide you with information on how to contact the crisis line.  The fact that I could not find a single person who could provide me with the definition as VA defines a crisis.   Think about that.

The following is a report from the VA OIG.

Title: Healthcare Inspection - Evaluation of the Veterans Health Administration Veterans Crisis Line

Report Number:


Title: Healthcare Inspection - Evaluation of the Veterans Health Administration Veterans Crisis Line

Report Number: 16-03985-181



Issue Date: 3/20/2017

Full Report

Issue Date:



OIG conducted a healthcare inspection of the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) with four primary objectives: 

To evaluate an allegation that VCL staff did not respond adequately to a veteran’s urgent needs;

To perform a detailed review of VCL’s governance structure, operations, and quality assurance functions;

To evaluate whether VHA completed planned actions in response to VA OIG recommendations from a previously published OIG report; and

To address complaints received from the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC)

We determined that VCL staff did not respond adequately to a veteran’s urgent needs. We found deficiencies in the VCL’s processes for managing incoming telephone calls and in governance and oversight of VCL operations. We found substantial disagreement about key decisions in operations of the VCL between the VHA Suicide Prevention Office and VHA Member Services. We found that VHA contracting staff and leaders lacked an understanding of the backup center contract terms and did not verify quality control aspects of contractor performance, resulting in deficient oversight. We found some backup call centers used a queuing process that may lead callers to perceive they were on hold, and that VCL leadership had not established expectations or targets for queued call times, or thresholds for taking action on queue times. We discovered deficiencies in the VCL Quality Management program. We found several challenges in VCL QM staff’s ability to collect, analyze, and effectively review relevant QM data. VCL policies were not consistent with existing VHA policies for veteran safety or risk management and did not incorporate techniques for evaluating available data to improve quality, safety, or value for veterans. We found that the VCL had not completed actions to fully implement the seven recommendations from our prior report. We substantiated the OSC complainant’s allegations that SSAs were allowed to coordinate emergency rescue responses independently after the end of a 2-week training period, without supervision and regardless of performance or final evaluation; that a newly trained SSA contacted a caller in crisis by telephone to solicit the veteran's location; and an SSA did not document when closing out a veteran’s case. We made 16 recommendations. 

I highlighted a few things but understand this is the summary of the actual report so one should assume the entire summary above should be highlighted.

So every Senator every House representative all the way down the chain through the Doctors, social workers, peer specialist, VA community outreach support to the community based non-profit organizations provided funding to give veterans support directly back up the chain through the Veterans Sub-committee and directly redirected by the Director of Case Management and Social work services out of Senator Kaines Richmond Office Marc Cheatheam who completed the loop of lack of or not available services and regardless if am Veteran or 100% disabled I was left behind.   He closed my case requesting assistance with dealing with the agencies contracted to provide me services as a veteran and forwarded my request to a different branch of one of the very organizations that I was having problems with and 3 years later I can trace everything back to the point in which I first contacted the crisis line and  foolishly but my life further at risk 

My fellow vets don't give in and don't give up just know that there are going to be many times throughout the process where you will have to save yourself.

I am available to help anyone in need in any capacity they may need while I am here and able to feel free to call, text, email, Facebook any way is fine with me.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Can a citizen address the House directly?

United States House of Representatives chamber at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C

Typically, a private citizen cannot address congress unless invited by congress or one of the congressional committees to do so. Thus, to get such an invite you can work with your congressman or you can work with a congressman on a particular committee to get them to invite you to speak on a particular issue. This means you have to convince them you have something to say that is relevant on a topic that they have an interest in and if not they will only communicate with you in writing.

It's important that we continue to think of new and creative ways that are still within constitutional law.   Just as it outlines a general philosophy of government that justifies a revolution when a government harms natural the  right it's people.  The Deceleration if Independence It also dictates the use of prudence to assure the Governments long established programs should not be changed for light and transient causes and those causes for which it be changed be truly for the greater good of a mankind and not solely focused on the individual regardless of what kind of man in which God has allowed to become. 
The Declaration of Independence

Monday I will be meeting with a representative from Barbara Comstocks office in Virginia representing the 10th District. Over the weekend I would be trying to gather my thoughts and put together a list of questions that are appropriate.

Some questions will be specific to my situations and my conditions but I do have many questions that relates to supporting veterans and our interest on the hill and throughout this country and if you have anything that you would like me to bring forward thats beneficial Veterans I'll be more willing to bring them up. 

There's been too many of us left behind.  No more excuses we just have to go back and get them.


Friday, June 23, 2017

All Bets are now on the House

I want if nothing more on the house floor then a simple gesture that represents me so my son can see what a disabled uneducated negro with no family support system can do without having to sacrifice breathing. JUST A DAD TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR MISSING OUT ON FATHERHOOD.

Yes nig$$s, ni$$ets, misfits , and misvets all this time we've been silently self destructing. Which is only fair and true if you ipunder the meaning of these very words for our Declararion of Independence.

 Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. -

So to paraphrase, long standing VA programs would not be altered for reason no other than ones that would alleviate a significant burden. It also goes to say that from an know knowledge at the time in history that in most cases mankind will endure abuse and suffering , than to abolish the very process that they are suffering from. Once the human body and the human spirit can suffer no more it's the duty and the right of the people to dismantle the existing government and deploy new guards for the security of the present as well as the future.

A heart is s house for love and I've learned... Have you?

I will say although very young the representatives in the office were very much attentive and seemsed to genuinely want to to help.

I first met with Amanda Gray Bailey Constituent Service Representative she greeted me professionally and respectfully gathered administrative data and form as well as giving me the contacts information for Anthony Barnes who's is the Veteran Outreach / Constituent Service Specialist.

I forwarded Mr. Barnes and email to provide me background as to several of my issues, he received the email ready it and promptly set up a meeting for us on Monday at 1 pm on the loundoun office.

Ms. Bailey also followed up with me to ensure this had occurred before she officially handed my case offer.

Trump I feel sorry for ya bruh bringing those dead president of yours to your own life got old really quick.

Ambassador to Russia would have been a much better fit even dictators need friends. Just being real all the same players eating the same meal, snowden, Comey Trump and all his peeps only America is not stuck with last weekend's potato salad as our last meal. You live and learn.

Analytics ... Google it, but that just sounds foolish.

Just give respect to those who are inherently, uncontrollably and undeniably analytical.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Are VETS Aware of whats on the Floor other than US


I figured I better be more specific before I get to clever even for myself to follow.  I personally have followed the process required to received benefits, not given, not offered but owed to me from the crisis line through every VA referring official, past all non-profiting, profiting from services they are paid to provided to veterans through the Veterans Subcommittee on the capitol hill by way of the Constituent Services directed to the Veterans Services in which they provided Case Management/Advocacy services for Veterans dealing with Federal Agencies.

Virginia owes a great debt to our men and women who have served in the military. With more than 800,000 veterans living in Virginia, I am committed to providing quality service to ensure Virginia’s veterans receive the benefits and assistance they have earned.  Veterans casework is processed in Richmond. If you have any questions, you can reach my casework office by phone at 804-771-2221.

This is an absolute lie.  The case management services for Virginia are being run out of the Richmond Office.

919 East Main Street, Suite 970
RichmondVA 23219
Phone: (804) 771-2221
Fax: (804) 771-8313
Get Directions

I contacted the office for assistant with various things one of thing was with mental health issues and told there wasn't any helped that could be provided for me in regards to being homeless or any crisis for that nature.  This became abundantly clear when no one could in plain language explain provide me with the Veterans Affairs definition of a "Crisis" so what are we spending billions of dollars on line to who knows where for.

I spoke with an intern how directed to me complete, sign and return a Privacy Release Form.
Once I completed this I was to email to  I completed this close to the end of the day and I was told it was received and I would get a call back the next day.

The next day I received a call from an individual that I already knew who works for Virginia Department of Veteran Services who then forwarded the call to a gentlemen by the name of Fred Pickerling, who is a nice enough guy who I think means well but just doesn't get the meaning of no man left behind.  I had dealt with this organization before and Fred while supposedly was helping to find me housing just stop returning my emails and calls and disappeared.

The other issues is the lines are very blurring between if there are a government organization with government employees or a non-profit receiving funding but mostly likely are a conglomerate of the 2 but regardless the funding is mostly likely being misused and why my Case got forward to one of the accused from the Senators offices still has my mind running in the same circles I was.

After learning this I spoke with Marc Cheatham who is the director of Case Management as well as bold enough while claiming to be a veteran directly lied to one who gave his life for this country and did not return calls or emails as he said he would and this is a fact that can not be changed.

He did manage to verify that my Case was opened and closed without me having any communication with anyone on the Case Management Services Team.  Debby Burroughs did reach out to me only to say that I should try again to get in tough with the Director of her team.

This has all come to a head after 3 years of stumbling through Veterans Affairs mesh support systems that seems to only paralyze veterans.  While on the floor of the House and the Senate are numerous bills that have been proposed and are making their way through the legislative process to fix catastrophic problems while they knowingly point veterans to programs that the IG Reports document the fraud, waste, abuse and lack of accountability that only the veterans suffer for without even a mention of a degradation of said programs #allofthem.

 John Knapp                  State Director  
 Marc Cheatham          Director of Constituent Services and Casework
 Sherrie Harrington          Executive Assistant to the Senator
 Tyee Mallory                  Regional Director
 Debby Burroughs          Senior Caseworker
 Paula Sherman                  Caseworker
 Rachel Kingery                  Staff Assistant
 Karen Harris                  Caseworker

There is strength in numbers and as veterans we are at the top of all classes.  Veterans, Minorities, Disabled and together we can bring forth the winds of change.  I seem to have jumped to the present time in my journey but will continue to post, reflect as well as document my first had accounts of what came out of the Inspector General Reports.

My service dog Franklin


A service dog by definition

Service Animal Defined by Title II and Title III of the ADA. A service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.
Services Rendered
JUNE 25,2014
Video is from facebook post.

Last Time for the Record (for your reference )

Video Transcript
  I understand that I was barely legible during the video  which is the case most of the time I have panic attacks that reached a very high level of anxiety.  The span of about 6 months to a year where there are probably only three words in the English language that I could actually say without leading to or being a trigger word.

  I was in a very lonely space not only did I not understand the people who were   the people who were supposed to be there to support me didn't truly understand the nature of the illness that I was suffering from. The most humane, the most empathetic, the most sympathetic, the most knowledgeable.   I can honestly 100% without a doubt say that 24 hours of the day Franklin was generally concerned with my state of being.  There is no dog like Franklin on this planet or anywhere in any universe that exists  within any galaxy  hidden in any other galaxy that may or may not resist around Orions belt. 

    The Road to Success starts here, this moment and Failure is not an option.

    American Flag Digital

         This is my first venture into blogging so please be patient as I bring myself up to speed and I promise to produce a product we VETS can be proud.  Just as a little backstory I've documented my moments as I sometimes lived painfully through them.  I will say all are not directly related to my interactions I will say without shame that most were either because of or a by product of not understanding that the very organization as stated by it's own committee, well I will let you read.

    During World War I the nature of the congressional response to veterans' needs changed towards a more diversified set of programs. A war risk insurance program, which was referred to the Senate Finance Committee, changed the consideration of veterans benefits in the Senate. The Finance Committee was the Senate standing committee most responsible for veterans programs from 1917 to 1946. After World War II, the Finance Committee handled the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, the "GI Bill of Rights," which extended to servicemen and their families, a number of benefits including unemployment assistance, education, vocational training, housing and business loan guarantees, as well as the traditional medical and pension benefits of previous times. Many experts believe this law was one of the most important elements in the expansion of the middle class following World War II.

              I was naive to the level of manipulation and the many factors that went in to my communication with the multiple isolated entities that had little to do with my care and the even less of a focus on provided access to available treatment programs and as we move forward hopefully we will uncover landmines and expose those whose motivation is not focused on the veteran that's transitioning, that's asking for help, or worse that's in crises.
         If I have sparked that tiniest interest please stay engaged, keep my honest and non-biased and focus as to keep marching forward.  This only succeeds  if we remember our days of mustering and show the VA that we can unite no matter how disabled, dysfunctional, dismembered, and detached from the real world we all may be we are veterans and all Veterans Affairs should have one common theme, affording opportunities for Veterans to have all tools required to live what life we have left not fight for a life we gave in the past.  This is a video I made just to express how I was feeling I hope it strikes a tone with some of you.

    How to justify your entitilement.

    Fisrt show that it may not be perfect but you have a solid grasp on the program/benefit by definition and use similar jargon what when refe...